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The Truth about your comfort zone

As we grow up and go through the journey of life, we take up new habits and routines and values. We settle into a way of life that we are comfortable with. This soon turns into a comfort zone which has been defined as a psychological state in which things feel familiar to you, things are at ease and you are in control of your environment. It's that zone where you feel low levels of anxiety and stress.  However majority of us want more than what we currently have, we feel we can be better but somehow, out of fear have ignored those feelings and encouragement from people. We often just get comfortable where we are and do nothing about our goals. Well while you lay down on the sofa and fold your arms, poverty is strongly and desperately knocking on your door and unknowingly, you are opening the door and inviting it in(Prov 6:10-11). More so, as you you're enjoying your rest and stress free life in your comfort zone, thousands of people are seizing the opportunity...

Developing a good personal character is key to restoring a broken society.

Personal character is quite difficult to define but it's something we recognize once we see it. It reveals itself in our actions. Developing a good character given our world today seems to be out of fashion but it remains the essential attributes to a healthy self esteem, good relationship and life satisfaction. There are two types of personal character; 1) Moral character: it consists of your actions and behaviors which is a reflection of who you are.  2) Intellectual character: this consists of your attitude towards things like knowledge, wisdom, understanding, trust, love, fairness, equality, etc. Our thoughts guide our actions, So when there's a moral failure as we have in ou society today, it signifies a defective intellectual character.  A good character can also be seen as doing what is right in the presence or absence of anybody. The character you posses defines the kind of choices and decisions you make. It is also based on your value syste...

A good career plus a positive character produces excellence.

I've seen people go for seminars, workshops, presentations and conferences for career development to possibly be the best they can be in their field of expertise. This without saying includes me. We want to learn all there is to learn; new developments, knowledge and skill and the technology newly invented in our profession. These are all good ventures because we have to stay updated in our ever changing and developing society. Inventions and developments evolve almost on a daily basis and we have to keep up with the rate of development to remain valuable. However, take a look at this scenario: Elvis was admitted in the hospital for sickle cell crises on a Friday afternoon. He's been well taken care of by health personnel and after two days of being admitted in the ER, his doctor says he'll be watched and then discharged the next day. Meanwhile, there's this ward in the hospital where critically ill patients are kept and Elvis has heard a lot of ne...

How dehydration affects your body

Drinking water is not just a fun activity but is very important to us and whatever we are doing. Sometimes, people find it difficult to drink water maybe because it's not as chilled as we want it to or it's not available at the moment or we feel too busy to stand up from where we are and get a bottle of water to drink. This is not a healthy routine because it has enormous effects on our body. Water is an important element of the body as it occupies about 75% of our body's weight. Also staying hydrated enables our body to function properly. On the other hand, dehydration occurs when the quantity of water we lose on a routine is more than what we take in.  We tend to lose water from our body through various ways which include exhalation of humidified air as seen in cold weather, sweating, ruination and excretion. Other ways water is lost are; Diarrhoea : we lose water when we have bowel movement after eating contaminated food. Vom...

Walking Improves your mental health and mood.

There are various ways walking helps to improve your health mentally and uplift your mood especially when you do some nice things along the way. We all take walks daily either to the office or  school or home from somewhere, round the market as we shop but there is a conscious walk we should always take for the benefit of our mind, attitude and mood. That's the walk we'll share about.  Walking is a form of exercise, it doesn't take much of your energy, it requires no extra equipment but it's an important exercise. Remember we are often asked to always stand for a while to walk around in the office after you've sat down for a long while. I walk often but a few years back, I discovered other benefits of walking beyond it being a form of exercise. Taking walks have a lot of benefits especially as it concerns your mental well being.  Walks improve your self perception, self esteem and sleep quality as well as reduces stress, fatigue and anxiety. It...

How can I stop being easily irritated over things?

  Nobody likes it when things are not done well, items not kept away neatly, people around us not saying the right things. For those smart people who drop hints in discussions and expect you to understand them clearly without explainations. But we fail to understand that everybody is not the same and perfection is something we grow into with daily efforts. You can be perfect in one area of your life and have a flaw in another area. In my opinion, this is permitted because we are all different, we grew up from different backgrounds, have different cultures, norms and values and genetic makeup. Regardless, we have to live in the same world, work together, make friends, sustain relationships, be members of some organization or club. Working together brings about more success than working alone. However, working together can get one irritated sometimes but we always have to find a way to accommodate one another to have a happier relationship and gain success in what w...

What are friends for?

This phrase is one I have heard over a million times since I was mature enough to understand. It's what we use when we do something for our friends and we just want to let them know it was our pleasure helping.  So for a while now, I've been putting off an invite to hang out with someone but sometime recently, I decided to go on with it. To my surprise, it wasn't a total disaster. He made a lot of sense as regards our personality, the friends we keep and who we become as a result of the kind of friends we have. Here's his opinion; the kind of person you links you up to the kind of people you make your friends. This set of people then reflect on who you become. For example, a student doesn't know much and has poor grades in school but then begins to make friends with the intelligent people or person in the class. This relatioship begins to make positive impacts on his studies and his grades also begins to improve. We make a lot of friends everyday, some by...