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What are friends for?

This phrase is one I have heard over a million times since I was mature enough to understand. It's what we use when we do something for our friends and we just want to let them know it was our pleasure helping. 
So for a while now, I've been putting off an invite to hang out with someone but sometime recently, I decided to go on with it. To my surprise, it wasn't a total disaster. He made a lot of sense as regards our personality, the friends we keep and who we become as a result of the kind of friends we have. Here's his opinion; the kind of person you links you up to the kind of people you make your friends. This set of people then reflect on who you become. For example, a student doesn't know much and has poor grades in school but then begins to make friends with the intelligent people or person in the class. This relatioship begins to make positive impacts on his studies and his grades also begins to improve.

We make a lot of friends everyday, some by virtue of being colleagues, living in the same block, going to the same school, being members of a club, working on similar projects together among other things as being in the same bus. Unfortunately some of this people you call friends hurt you and turn their back on you. At the same time, your true friends are with you through high waters come what may. Based on my reflection, here is what a true friend really is;

A true friend is someone you have something in common with. One of my friends became a friend because we both cared about people. So we both worked towards being health wprkers which we achieved. Thirteen years down the line and we still take care of people in our professions and are still close friends. A friend is someone you can do things with from time to time and it will be the best times of your life.

A friend is someone you can count on and trust. There are times you have a lot of anxiety and stress within and it helps to share them with someone who will understand you and won't judge you but tell you how you can do better next time. Someone you can trust your secrets with and it's safe. They don't go telling your secrets to a bunch of other people and then when you walk pass, people are judging you by their facial expressions.

A friend is somebody you share ideas and knowledge with. Recently, the car I was in got bashed by another and so i decided to read up and learn from a friend what Vehicle Insurance was all about since i practically didn't know what to do at the time. A friend is that person you can discuss anything with and the discussion just flows smoothly that you loose track of time, you learn from without feeling inferior and vice versa.

A true friend tells you the truth even when it's hard to hear (Prov. 27:6). While I was in the University, i did this thing with one of my best friends. We shared our strengths and weaknesses and what we can do to overcome our weakness. A friend tells you the truth not to deliberately hurt you but in a kind and respectful manner. They don't talk down on you or insult you, they never take you for granted, they don't make you feel inadequate and as if nothing you do is important. A friend does not criticize you and everything you do rather they build you up and encourage you to stand tall.

A friend is always there for you and pushing for you to succeed (Prov. 17:17). What matters to you become meaningfull to them because they value you. No matter what your dream is, they are always thinkin about how to help you achieve it, what they can do to help you grow. They encourage and support you every step of the way. They accept you regardless of what silly thing you may have done.

A true friend is willing to fight for the friendship. A friendship is two people from different backgrounds but brought together by something they have in common. As a result, disagreements can happen and friends can get to a rough place but that should not be the end of the friendship. A friend will see your value, want to make you happy and therefore be willing to work things out.

Summaryly, friendship is a two way thing and can only pull through when the persons involved play their roles towards each other. True friends are rare but of course if you want to have a true friend, you have to be a true friend too to attract one (Prov. 18:24).Do you have true friends in your life?  So are you a true friend? To learn more about how to be a true friend, visit


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