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6 Things That Influence Your Habit Aside Culture And The Environment& How to Use Them in Your Favour.

You know all about how culture and the environment influence our habits and lifestyle in general. In addition to these, there are other things that also have great influence on our habit. Most times, they are not put into consideration but the truth is that we have them all around us. They are all seen in our day to day life.

The knowledge of these factors, how they influence you and how to use them in your Favour will help you embrace life and navigate through it with more ease and successfully.

These factors are all good things we need in life to live a happy and healthy life when we are able to put them to use positively and also be in charge and not let them take control of our lives.

I therefore urge you to remember them as you live day-in day-out, in your career, relationship and life as a whole. The factors I also discovered have effect on the habits we form include;
  1. Education.
  2. Skills.
  3. Social circle
  4. Your self assessment
  5. Character
  6. Money 
The first factor that determines the kind of habit we form is education. When you're well educated, you are exposed to greater knowledge and idea about things. You are also in a better position to know what's better for you and what is not. 
Always remember "Education opens up the mind, expands it and allows you to improve your life in so many ways", Edberg Henrick.

Using your knowledge, develop habits that will bring you to the top and to your best life. 

Another factor that helps shape your habit is your skill. When you become really skilled in your profession, does that get into your head? Do you become a different personality?, do you become overly proud and ignore people you work with who might not be as good as you are or do you continue to carry everyone along?

Success is an achievement and a good one at that and you are allowed to feel good about yourself, of course you earned it. But know that "helping people grow and achieve their dreams is the fastest route to success", Harv Eker.

Be Humble!

Social Circle
Your level or position in life currently determine the persons in your social circle. Most times, you also tend to associate more with people in your profession and career. Now the people you associate with at this point help to shape the habits you form. They can be people who spend extravagantly on irrelevant things, people who do whatever it takes to get what they want  whether good or bad, people who always look for ways to render help to another or always drive others to greater heights in life. They can be allies (those who keep you accountable) or accomplice (joining you in whatever you do). 

You can also think that you have a very strong resistance but the truth is in my post  Habits are breakable, habits are formed gradually. We have been co-opted into moving with the crowd which can be good or bad. "Be not deceived, evil company corrupts good manners" 1Cor15:33. 

"Associate with people who are likely to improve you", Seneca.

Self Assessment
You must always have a positive mental attitude and often at times, you make this decision. If you have a positive image and engage in positive, confident and optimistic activities, you also become successful in what you do. Remember you become what you do. Always do your best to see things from a positive view and abhor pessimism. The more you have a positive assessment of your self, you build your self esteem and self image. How you see your self determines how you'll carry yourself which also determines how you're going to be seen by others.

Think positively about yourself!

The most important factor that affects your habit is your character. The true character of a man is not defined by what he does in front of the crowd but by what he does when nobody is around. A true character helps you form habits that open doors of success to your life. It can be building habits of integrity, honesty, truthfulness and others. When you form these habits and live by them in the presence or absence of people, they speak through you to people around you. 

People become very safe relating with you and dealing with, they also trust you to get tasks done properly. 
Build a true character which forms your habit!

Money is essential in daily life to pay bills, have a good life and care for our family and friends. It is one of the proceeds of success. However it is also one of the things that can have a great control over a person's life if the person is not in control of it. Just as money can do a lot of things, there are also certain things money can't buy; morals, patience, love, common sense, integrity, character. 
Money is important but character is more important. Money without a good character makes a mess of things.

"You must gain control over your money or the lack of it will forever control you", Dave Ramsey.

In conclusion, being aware of these factors help you keep track of our life and what we do with it regarding the habits we form.

Can you think of other things that influence your habit and share? Let me know your views.

Thank you for reading this article. If you liked it, share and comment. 


  1. You have said it all and you didnt fail to include environment which I think its influence cannot be exhausted. Kudos

  2. I agree with your points & I believe our fears too can as much as our strengths...
    Keep it up

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Okay. That's true when you really think about it. Being afraid of something can make one form certain habits. Thank you for that contribution.


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