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Showing posts from August, 2020

5 Ways you can build Consistency

G rowing up, there has been times when I set up a reading timetable to enable me study. On the day I pen down my timetable, zeal and enthusiasm often wakes me up to read. On other days, I wake up and snooze my alarm and go back to sleep. The following morning, I wake up very angry with myself for not reading and covering what I ought to have covered in my studies.    At a point, I had to read a book on Self discipline written by Brian Tracy. In this book, Self Discipline is defined as;

One man standing.

Wondered why it seems everybody is the same and there are no clear cut difference between people? We are all waiting for an opportunity to attain a higher position and be given more power and authority. We do our best in order to achieve our various goals and aims in life. However, when we finally get to this level we have been craving for, we seem not well prepared for it. Isn’t it possible to have just a few people who can add value to the positions and opportunities they’ve been given in life. Can it be possible to make a difference in a society where it seems everyone is heading towards one direction. Must you join them if you can't beat them? Is it impossible to stand out and make a difference? In my opinion, interviews are most often conducted because there is a need to fill up a position with the best person who will add value and not do thesame thing all over again. Must we all follow suit even when the leader is not getting it right? Can’t we dare to stand out