Wondered why it seems everybody is the same and there are no clear cut difference between people? We are all waiting for an opportunity to attain a higher position and be given more power and authority. We do our best in order to achieve our various goals and aims in life. However, when we finally get to this level we have been craving for, we seem not well prepared for it. Isn’t it possible to have just a few people who can add value to the positions and opportunities they’ve been given in life. Can it be possible to make a difference in a society where it seems everyone is heading towards one direction. Must you join them if you can't beat them? Is it impossible to stand out and make a difference? In my opinion, interviews are most often conducted because there is a need to fill up a position with the best person who will add value and not do thesame thing all over again. Must we all follow suit even when the leader is not getting it right? Can’t we dare to stand out even when others are wallowing in the wrong place?
Maintaining your stand where everybody else is giving in is somewhat a difficult task but its worthwhile if you ask me. It is a decision one has to deliberately make because more often than not, surrounding situations can be so tempting and you can even find someone who is willing to help you fall into the temptation in the name of doing you a favour. It can be challenging and costly but its not as valuable as what you gain by standing out. There are also some empowering benefits of standing out and they include;
How would you feel hearing that when you were absent in a place and you were being talked about, someone said concerning you, “ooh Ms X! She’s a woman of integrity”? Integrity opens you up to opportunities you never expect. It gives you happiness knowing you can be trusted and reliable.
When you choose to take a stand when everybody else is bending theirs, you are set up for favor. I’ve come to understand and know that in whatever you do and wherever you go, your life is like a lamp on a hill open for all to view. So the path people choose to go as it concerns you depends on your ability to stand out no matter what.
Respect is earned not commanded as we often hear and this is true. A manager or staff or a person who has not clearly shown himself to be standing out is often given an eye service respect. Respect comes to those who have expressed courage to stand out than bend even when in a tight situation. You loose your respect once you begin to bend your decisions and alter the figures for your personal or somebody’s interest, your worth and value before other people because this act will make you begin to defend an obviously wrong things you have involved yourself in.
More opportunities:
Just like I mentioned earlier, your moves are transparent. So when you prove to have made a decision to stand out while others are giving in, you’ll be given more opportunities to make greater impacts and changes. I was in a meeting and the guest speaker reiterated that the result for a good work is more work. According to him, people who are busy doing the right thing regardless can never be looking for work to do. They are always busy doing one thing or the other, making impacts where ever they are seen.
Ultimately, when you make a decision to stand out in small opportunities you get, you gain more strength and courage to be different in greater things. Standing out from the crowd makes way for growth.
I need to mention that people who observe that you are different will at first try to get you on their side. I’ve also observed that people who have decided to live by submitting to whatever situation calls for, look out for those who will join them. So as they try on that, let’s also try to increase the number of us trying to get things right notwithstanding.
In summary, Daniel 1:8 tells us about how Daniel purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the portion of the kings meat nor wine… and God brought him favor and tender love with the prince of the eunuch. Same with Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and they were rescued from the fire.
Let’s try to be that one man standing and also get more people to join us. That is one way we can bring about change in our lives and in our society and the world at large especially as a generation ready to do exploits.
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