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Positivity through Words

The words we speak are descriptions of what we intend to do and revelation of who we are. Most of the times, our words preceed what we plan to do. We speak daily about what we want to do, where we want to go, our desires and dreams, the choices we make and the things we don't want to do. And these end up as a driving force in our lives.

We are surrounded daily by friends, family, colleagues and even strangers. Some of them or us even speak without considering the impact of what we say to people, organizations and the nation while some don't. It is therefore very important for us to be careful what we say because our words are powerful. The words you speak does not just affect your life alone. It also affects the people around you.

Words can be either be destructive or constructive; they can inspire or destroy; they can help, heal, hinder, hurt, harm, humiliate and or humble. They have so much power that they can start or end wars between nations; destroy relationships, encourage and comfort someone, damage careers, change circumstances and approach. You remember when Jesus spoke and calmed the storm, healed the sick, raised the dead. Words give direction and focus, they can shape and reshape destinies. They are also a product of our thoughts most importantly. Matt 12:34, "...out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks".

Since our words have so much power, Pearl Strachan Hurd says, "Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs". Use your words to build up and not tear down, maintain your integrity by saying what you mean and meaning what you say. What you speak into your life is what and who you become. Words formed the world, Gen 1:3, "And God said, "let there be light," and there was light". Have you become or achieved a thing you said you will achieve? If you have, you see your word has power. So speak positivity and life into your life, into the life of your children, career, circumstances and situations and people around you.


  1. Let your words be seasoned with grace, that you might know how to answer every man... Col4:6


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