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How can I stop being easily irritated over things?


Nobody likes it when things are not done well, items not kept away neatly, people around us not saying the right things. For those smart people who drop hints in discussions and expect you to understand them clearly without explainations. But we fail to understand that everybody is not the same and perfection is something we grow into with daily efforts. You can be perfect in one area of your life and have a flaw in another area. In my opinion, this is permitted because we are all different, we grew up from different backgrounds, have different cultures, norms and values and genetic makeup.

Regardless, we have to live in the same world, work together, make friends, sustain relationships, be members of some organization or club. Working together brings about more success than working alone. However, working together can get one irritated sometimes but we always have to find a way to accommodate one another to have a happier relationship and gain success in what we do. 

Irritability is a pollutant to us just as carbon monoxide is to the atmosphere. It can be due to a number of things including; stress, dissatisfaction with one's life, difficulties, poor coping skills, withdrawal from drugs or alcohol, neglect of self care or it can even be related to our emotions. Like when something happens to you and it's related to an unpleasant circumstance you witnessed in the past. 

One person's irritable mood can result to negative vibes in the home, workplace or other gatherings. It can make you snap or scream at people around you and negatively affecting your relations since nobody wants to be around a person with bad energy. It leads to short temper and frustration when it's not properly handled. To help us handle irritability, let's take a look at the following tips;

One major way of dealing with irritation is identifying what is making you irritable and dealing with it. Try to remember when you started being irritated and this will help you to pinpoint your source of irritation.

While you're casting your mind back to when you started being irritated, don't ignore the little things because it's been observed that it's always the little things around you that make you irritable. For instance loosing an argument to a friend or when your opinion isn't taken. Just acknowledging that something is making you irritable can help you calm down.

If you're irritable because of hunger or fatigue, take a time out and get something to eat or rest for a while. This would make you feel better and less irritable afterwards. If it's neglect of self care, do something nice for yourself, take out time daily to do what you like. Give yourself a happy time.

Having a clear understanding of yourself and being aware of your emotions can help you overcome irritability. When you're aware of your personality, you're more conscious of the things that ignite you to be irritable and you stay calm. Also talking to someone about your stress and anxiety helps you gain control over them and reduces your frequency of being irritable. Always ask yourself, "what upsets me?". Knowing this gives you control over your reactions.

Studies have shown that laughter is an effective way of relieving stress while exercise changes your mind, attitude and mood. Taking walks and doing a physical activity cannot be overrated in this situation as they alleviate anger and reduce the chances of anxiety.

You become irritable when certain expectations you have are not met. These expectations are often times unattainable especially when they have to do with other people. Like when you're expecting something from someone and they disappoint you. This to an extent is out of your control because you can't really know how somebody will react to your expectation. However, setting a more reasonable and achievable expectation not only gives you a break but also enables you to give others a break.

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