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Walking Improves your mental health and mood.

There are various ways walking helps to improve your health mentally and uplift your mood especially when you do some nice things along the way. We all take walks daily either to the office or  school or home from somewhere, round the market as we shop but there is a conscious walk we should always take for the benefit of our mind, attitude and mood. That's the walk we'll share about. 

Walking is a form of exercise, it doesn't take much of your energy, it requires no extra equipment but it's an important exercise. Remember we are often asked to always stand for a while to walk around in the office after you've sat down for a long while. I walk often but a few years back, I discovered other benefits of walking beyond it being a form of exercise. Taking walks have a lot of benefits especially as it concerns your mental well being. 

Walks improve your self perception, self esteem and sleep quality as well as reduces stress, fatigue and anxiety. It makes you more confident in yourself.

Improved mood:
After a research conducted by a Professor of Psychology is Carlifonia state University, it was discovered there exists a relationship between walking and your mood. The study disclosed that the more you walk, the happier you are and the higher your self esteem. Also, walking causes the release of endorphins that brings about wellbeing and an euphoric feeling. Generally, going for walks make you happier.

Improved creativity
Walking alone increases your creative ability. It is an opportunity to think through situations and circumstances around you and also gain ideas on what you can do to salvage your circumstances. A study by Stanford in 2014 shows that creative thinking improves during walking. Perhaps you're looking for a good idea for work, home or innovation, just go for a walk and brainstorm while walking, enjoy and appreciate the environments you walk past. Ideas and great options come to you when you think afterwards. Studies have shown that walking improves the function o our brain. It increases our ability to do memory work better.

Personal meditation
Walking is an opportunity to meditate and pray. While walking alone, enables you to concentrate more and speak to your maker about a pressing need you may have and trust me He listens and will surely attend to you. I tried this before when I used this opportunity to pray for a patient I had some time ago and everything worked for so good. My patient regained consciousness and was later discharged home in good health. As a form of meditation, you can also choose to listen to audiobooks or music.

More energy
Taking walks increases your energy level. You may think this can't be true but the Australian and Swedish study have shown that people who stop to walk around in the office every 30minutes felt less tired at the end of the day. Walking increases your stamina. As your energy increases, you tend to be more focused on things that are important to you. So while walking, you can track your mileage to keep you motivated.

Take daily walks with a destination in mind and feel better and happier!

PS like and share to encourage walking. You can walk in a group with friends and family.


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