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Habits are breakable.

There's an easy way to make your worst habits seem less tempting ...

We all have habits. Some of them are good while some are not. The good ones add value to our daily lives by making us happy with ourselves, giving us peace, confidence, high self-esteem, self image and ultimately bringing us success in life. The bad ones lead to nothing but unhappiness in every sphere of life and unhealthy living.

Habits are behaviours we portray without having to think about them because we have continuously repeated an action.

Good habits can be developed by frequent repetition just as bad habits can be broken. At first, developing good habits can prove difficult, but with due diligence and patience we will succeed.

One of the reasons why we find it difficult to develop good habit lies on the effect of our environment and our culture.

Notwithstanding, "Winning is a is losing", Vince Lombard. A habit can therefore be broken and another developed but this can only be done following a strong resolve, decision. Once you learn to win, it becomes a habit.

Since habits are formed over time through learning, they are also broken gradually. they are not all broken at once, otherwise you'll be too overwhelmed. More so, it takes concentration, persistence and effort to break a bad habit.

Want to lose weight, form the habit of eating healthy foods and exercise; want to save, start with the little in your hand currently and quit impulse spending; want to finish a task, stop procrastinating; desire to succeed, start being personally responsible...

Make a list of the habits you want to curb and we'll coach you through it!


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