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4 Tips for Giving and Accepting Corrections

Giving and accepting correction is one thing we find difficult to do. If asked to raise your hands if you like being told you're wrong all the time, many of us if not all of us will have our hands down. In as much as giving and accepting correction is a difficult task for us, it is very important and makes a great contribution to our growth, personal development and transformation. Whether its at home, church, workplace, marriage or any relationship, accepting correction is a crucial matter as much as giving it is.  In order to give correction, there are things we always have to consider especially if we are correcting to effect a change. Also, giving and accepting correction is an indicator of how wise we are. " Listen to advice and accept correction, and in the end you will be wise..." Proverbs 19:20. "Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is foolish" Proverbs 12:1. "Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser sti...

13 Ways to Build Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace. By Christopher Urokonweze

Salovay and Mayer simplified the definition of Emotional intelligence or quotient (EI/EQ) as the "ability to perceive emotions,integrate emotion to facilitate thought, understand emotions and to regulate emotions to promote personal growth". In 1995, psychologist and science journalist Daniel Goleman published a book introducing most of the world to the nascent concept of emotional intelligence. The idea--that an ability to understand and manage emotions greatly increases our chances of success--quickly took off, and it went on to greatly influence the way people think about emotions and human behavior. It is believed that people with higher emotional intelligence have mental health, exemplary job performance and more potent leadership skills because they assertive in nature to always read situations before giving an action. They recognize that every one has a right to hold their own opinions because they are not domineering or dossel people. The markers of Emotio...

6 Habits of Emotionally Strong Leaders

When you resort to pleasing people, you realize that striving for popularity leaves you susceptible to making bad decisions and a compromised moral and standards. Most times, we believe that people with high IQ achieve better success in life. Don't get me wrong, its actually great to be smart. But when you take a closer look at high-achieving people, you will observe that emotional intelligence is really the driving force behind their performance. Here are a few habits emotionally strong people possess; 1)    They don't waste time feeling sorry for themselves:   Emotionally strong people can complain, rant and indulge in self-pity. But this doesn't last more than its supposed to. According to John Maxwell, the period of self-pity should not exceed 24 hours, after which you move on with your life. They also avoid the company of those who spend time complaining. This is because complaints are contagious. So when you feel compelled to self-pity, subject yourself to tou...

5 Ways you can build Consistency

G rowing up, there has been times when I set up a reading timetable to enable me study. On the day I pen down my timetable, zeal and enthusiasm often wakes me up to read. On other days, I wake up and snooze my alarm and go back to sleep. The following morning, I wake up very angry with myself for not reading and covering what I ought to have covered in my studies.    At a point, I had to read a book on Self discipline written by Brian Tracy. In this book, Self Discipline is defined as;

One man standing.

Wondered why it seems everybody is the same and there are no clear cut difference between people? We are all waiting for an opportunity to attain a higher position and be given more power and authority. We do our best in order to achieve our various goals and aims in life. However, when we finally get to this level we have been craving for, we seem not well prepared for it. Isn’t it possible to have just a few people who can add value to the positions and opportunities they’ve been given in life. Can it be possible to make a difference in a society where it seems everyone is heading towards one direction. Must you join them if you can't beat them? Is it impossible to stand out and make a difference? In my opinion, interviews are most often conducted because there is a need to fill up a position with the best person who will add value and not do thesame thing all over again. Must we all follow suit even when the leader is not getting it right? Can’t we dare to stand out ...

The Truth about your comfort zone

As we grow up and go through the journey of life, we take up new habits and routines and values. We settle into a way of life that we are comfortable with. This soon turns into a comfort zone which has been defined as a psychological state in which things feel familiar to you, things are at ease and you are in control of your environment. It's that zone where you feel low levels of anxiety and stress.  However majority of us want more than what we currently have, we feel we can be better but somehow, out of fear have ignored those feelings and encouragement from people. We often just get comfortable where we are and do nothing about our goals. Well while you lay down on the sofa and fold your arms, poverty is strongly and desperately knocking on your door and unknowingly, you are opening the door and inviting it in(Prov 6:10-11). More so, as you you're enjoying your rest and stress free life in your comfort zone, thousands of people are seizing the opportunity...

Developing a good personal character is key to restoring a broken society.

Personal character is quite difficult to define but it's something we recognize once we see it. It reveals itself in our actions. Developing a good character given our world today seems to be out of fashion but it remains the essential attributes to a healthy self esteem, good relationship and life satisfaction. There are two types of personal character; 1) Moral character: it consists of your actions and behaviors which is a reflection of who you are.  2) Intellectual character: this consists of your attitude towards things like knowledge, wisdom, understanding, trust, love, fairness, equality, etc. Our thoughts guide our actions, So when there's a moral failure as we have in ou society today, it signifies a defective intellectual character.  A good character can also be seen as doing what is right in the presence or absence of anybody. The character you posses defines the kind of choices and decisions you make. It is also based on your value syste...