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How To Make Your Day Count

The days you have is so special that you have to cherish and appreciate it. One of the things we tend to do is to live a type of life where we disregard most of the indispensable gifts we have. The air we breath, the support system we have, the people around us, the birds in the air, the life we have and what we have achieved among other minute details of the life we live. We tend to remember always what we are yet to achieve and levels we are yet to attain. 

This is not the right way to live. For any of the things you have, be appreciative of it and be grateful to God for everything. Make everyday of your life count. God made us all for a purpose which He intends that we'll accomplish in our lifetime. As we walk and work hand in hand with Him, He directs us like a shepherd leads His sheep (Ps. 23)

I like to say that God is our sponsor (a person who guides you on what to do but doesn't stop there, He works with you till your purpose is achieved). So for whatever purpose He lays in your heart to achieve, He gives you the enabling grace to bring it to pass. Also the achievement of our life's purpose is not done in one day. Infact our purpose in life is sum of other smaller things we do over time in our existence. Just like you don't become a pilot in one day but take lessons, classes, practicals and a lot of other things you have to do to achieve your dream of being a pilot, purpose is not achieved in a day. 

To become who you were made to be, you have to be intentional about everything you do and ensure that your daily actions contribute something to your main goal in life. You have to make every day count. This is not intended to keep you paranoid or make you feel you are wasting your time. Rather it keeps you under the consciousness that you are headed somewhere and have to do all to get there. 
So how do you make your day count?

1) Build a relationship with God.
You Were Made by God in His image and likeness. He knows every bit of you and He's always available to you at anytime you need Him. He has a purpose for creating you and as such He alone knows what your purpose in life and can guide you to fulfill it. Having a relationship with God makes it easier because the Bible says He knows our end from the beginning. That means you don't have to walk and work like someone in darkness who has no idea where he/she is going. When you have a relationship with Him, He gives you directìon on how to live a purposeful life.

2) Identify your purpose.
Once you have a relationship with your maker, find out what your purpose is. God may not speak directly to you on this but can point you in the right direction of discovering your purpose. To help you discover your purpose, you need to know your value, what matters to you, what solution do you have for the issues around you, what makes you happy, what makes you feel fulfilled. By the time you're done answering these questions, you'll be able to know what your purpose is. 

3) Set goals for yourself.
After you identify your purpose and decipher what you want to accomplish or who you want to be, set goals that will help you achieve your purpose. Your goals can be financial, emotional goals, physical goals, spiritual goals. Any step you know that when you take them consistently, they'll bring you closer to the achievement of your purpose, please make plans to take those steps. 

4) Be kind to people.
No matter what your goal is, always be kind to people. Being rude, arrogant, harsh or generally unkind to people does not in anyway bring you closer to achieving your goal. It actually takes further away as you end up pushing people away from yourself. 
People are positioned around us to help us in one way or another to get to our destination in life. For instance, imagine getting ready for work and getting to the bus station, there are buses but no drivers. Would you drive the bus to work?. My guess is that first, you'll be a bit disappointed if not disorganised from not knowing how to get to work. Learn to be kind to people to receive kindness in return. Remember you harvest from what you plant.

5) Leave a positive legacy.
Have you ever though of what you want to be remembered for? Reflect on this question at all times, it helps you make the right decisions, set impactful goals and live a life of positive influence. We have just a moment with the people we come across daily and the places we find ourself. When you eventually leave that place or physically separate from that person, what do you want them to remember you for? Can they think of you and smile in joy even if it's just for a quarter of a second because of something you did, or will someone drop a tear when you cross their mind.

6) Do what makes you happy.
Just as our faces are different, so are our needs, so is what makes us happy. Find out what makes you happy and make out time to do it. It can be a hobby; singing, taking walks, seeing a movie, meeting up and chatting with friends, manicure/pedicure...Whatever makes you happy get involved in it. Don't let go of it no matter how busy you become. This helps you unwind, rewind and gives you a break from all the hustle and bustle of life, then restores you to optimum performance. Give yourself time to be happy, you're worth being happy too.

7) Let go of the past.
This is somewhat difficult to do especially when that past experience hurts. Analyse past experiences to learn the lessons it came with. However to move on, we have to learn to leave the past behind. Leaving the past behind helps us make room for better things in the future. It also helps us think of what we can do differently for a more positive result. We all have a past whether palatable or not but its on us to decide whether our past will deter us or make us stronger. 

8) Be intentional
What do you hope to do, who do you hope to become and what's your motive in all. Don't live just to be busy like everybody else, acquire, or impress. It's your life and you have a distinct calling. Be intentional about your daily activities and conquer your day achieving your goal because that's what you want to do and nobody is pressuring you into anything. 
9) Audit your day.
After you must have gone through your day, setting goals, being kind to people, doing what makes you happy, leaving a strong legacy, being intentional among other activities to make your day count, you also have to audit your day. You can do this by self reflecting. Think about how your day went, what you did or didn't do well, the adjustments you need to make, actions you took today that didn't resonate well with your purpose. Bringing all these to mind will help you improve as a person and have a better next day.

What other things help make your day count?

Comments in the section below👇


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